Åpningstider: man – fre 10-17, lør 11-15. Hausmannsgate 45, 0182 Oslo

Yamaha U1TA3 piano

Transacoustic er en nyvinning fra Yamaha. I tillegg til Yamaha`s mest berømte piano U1, får du det avanserte silent systemet SH3. På et Transacoustic instrument kan du også spille de digitale lydene ut i rommet ved å bruke sangbunnen som høyttaler. Du kan i tillegg bruke den integrerte bluetooth mottakeren til å laste ned musikk fra nett for å akkompagnere deg.
Kom og prøv selv, dette må oppleves!

Dette skriver Yamaha om Transacoustic:
Newly developed TransAcoustic™ technology transmits digital sound directly to the piano soundboard, thus making the piano itself behave as a speaker. On a TransAcoustic™ piano, the sound that you hear is resonating directly from the soundboard. The tone generator sends an optimized audio signal to transducers that are connected by a coil to the soundboard. This sets the coils in motion, causing the soundboard to vibrate and generate sonic vibrations that travel through bridges attached to the soundboard, and are ultimately transmitted to the strings, making them resonate with sound.

kr 217.000,00


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